About us
We are a church in Huntington Beach, California, that started as a simple bible study and grew into a healthy body of believers. We are not trying to start the next mega-church, or inspire the next Christian movement. We are simply trying to be obedient to Christ and love our community well. We are in love with Jesus and His people.
If you are looking for a hype gathering fueled by inspirational messages, this probably isn't the place for you. If you are broken, and in desperate need of grace and mercy, come and join us. If you are looking for true intimacy with Christ and meaningful connection with other Christ-followers, come and see what the Lord is doing in our midst, you will be well at home.
Our Committments
As a church we are committed to four things, all of which come straight from Acts 2:42-47.
The Word - Everything we do is based on the Word of God. Every thought, sermon, ministry, prayer and person is subject to the Holy Scriptures.
The Fellowship of Believers - Christ did not create the church just for us to tolerate each other. Genuine Christian love is at the heart of every church gathering.
Communion - The church is to be committed to the worship of Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross. We take communion once a month in remembrance of this fact.
Prayer - Direct communication with God is essential in every Christian's life, and the life of the church. Not a day ought to go by where we don't commune with God in prayer.

Our Theology
We are not affiliated with a denomination or church network. Our theological heritage and approach to church is best described as Reformed Baptist. If you would like to read more about this theological description, here is a helpful article. With that said, here are some of our theological distinctives:​
Calvinist - We believe that God is totally sovereign, and that He exercises His sovereignty in every area of life. Here is an in depth article on Calvinist theology.
Complementarian - We believe that God created men and women absolutely equal in value, image, and importance. We also believe that men and women are distinct, and that God has uniquely designed each for a specific role and purpose. Consider these resources for more information.
Interaction With Politics - Christians have the right and freedom to engage in the political sphere. However, Jesus cannot be confined to a political party or fit in one's political ideology. We take an "organizationally passive" approach, discussing the issues of our day solely from a theological perspective, but refusing to push a particular political agenda upon our congregation.
Governance - Our church is comprised of two groups: a leadership team and an elder board. The leadership team is made up of qualified men and women who meet to discuss, pray, and plan for our church. The elder board is made up of qualified men who consider the perspectives of the leadership team and make decisions on behalf of the church.